Wednesday, November 30, 2011

I left a fibro facebook page

Hello Fibro friends!
Been out sharing about eat fresh foods, no boxed or processed foods.
Telling people how I shop around the edges of the store.  No dairy, limited bread (still my downfall), no red meat and NO CANDY. Makes for quick grocery shopping trips.
I encourage people to take a closer look at the chemicals in the products that they use on their skin and hair. I have found I am overly sensitive to chemicals. Worth a look.
Then I share how I have given up sodas about 6 years ago and feel so better without it and only drink water.
When I am asked what fibro meds I take and how much do I take, I share I am only on guaifenesin and Omegas, I am faced with disbelieve.
When I shared this info with the facebook group I was told by one person her doctor told her to NEVER take guaifenesin for it has horrible side effects and be aware of people pushing this protocol.  I can't believe she has this site convinced guai is bad.
Sadly they all compare how badly they feel and what meds they each take and how they wish their flares would let them be and give them relief. But when I tell them what I do they belittle and bully me.

I am very proud that I took my health into my own hands, researched, tried and trusted my gut feelings to give guai and the hypoglycemic diet a chance...I had nothing to lose but the pain.

I am coming up on my 1 year guai anniversary and happily able to say have been pain free since August. :) (could have said from May but I thought I was Superwoman in July and put myself in a flare when I moved that washing machine all by myself).

Believe in Yourself and you can do anything!


1 comment:

  1. HI! THanks for sharing this! i uttered a *gasp* when you said a doctor is telling people Guai is bad!!! how aweful! there are so many fibro people out there that could have been helped by Guai if this person hadnt said that! I wonder where she is getting her info from?? Glad you have a blog for this- i have been thinking of starting one for myself. Just somewhere to tell the world what's going on and how i am actually getting better!! good for you! :)
